18 SPRING ROUNDTABLE SERIES Tele-Communicative Teaching in Resource Limited Sites: UVA-Based TESOL Practicum Students and English Language Learners in Quetzaltenango
Elizabeth Wittner, Academic Director and Coordinator, International Teaching Assistant Program, UVA Center for American English Language and Culture
The UVA in Guatemala Initiative partnered with the Center for American English Language and Culture (CAELC) to create a remote-site language learning program with partners in resource-limited areas of Guatemala. After three years, this improbable collaboration is building a sustainable distance learning program. The TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Certificate practicum supervising instructor and co-creator of the English Language Enrichment Collaborative (ELEC), will present and discuss program design, technological, logistical and pedagogical aspects of this program, while practicum students will discuss their experiences teaching English on-line to Guatemalan learners as part of their fieldwork for the TESOL Certificate Program.