Language Program Grant
Language Program Grant Call for Proposals
Application Deadline: April 4, 2025
Purpose of Language Program Grant: This grant supports projects that will benefit the language program, either in one or more levels of the required course sequence, or a multi-section course required for the major.
Eligibility: All UVA language program directors and course coordinators are eligible to apply. Before submission, please fully consult all faculty members in your own program to prioritize program needs.
Application Deadline: The deadline to apply for Faculty Research Grants is April 4, 2025.
Awards: Funding may be requested for up to $1,500 for activities or expenses associated with the research project.
Grant Amount: Up to $1,500.00.
Fund restrictions:
The funding for the grant must be used between July 1, 2025 and June 15, 2026.
Grantees should send a brief summary report to the IWL Program Director by June 15, 2026.
Proposal Guidelines
The proposal should not exceed two pages, excluding the budget, CV, and optional letter of support. Please include in your proposal the following: a) a description of the goals of the project and the expected outcomes that are beneficial for the growth of the language program in relation to language teaching and learning, b) describe the relevance and significance of the proposed project that aligns with the overall mission of IWL, how it will benefit UVA, and why IWL should fund it, c) describe exactly what the proposed activity would entail and include a timeline information about the start and end date of the project, and the different stages of development for the project.
Include a tabular budget with specific line items for the project. The statement should identify a list of additional sources and the specific amount requested for this grant. You are encouraged to secure funding from the department or unit where you currently serve. You may also consider funding from the Student Council, College Council, and other potential sponsors at UVA or beyond. Please be aware that any award amount given and used for wages should include the Fringe Benefit portion of any employee and student wage (i.e., 0.06% of the wages). For example, if your proposed budget is $998.58, it will be $943 in wages and $56.58 in Fringe Benefit.
Provide a CV for each applicant on the project (two-page maximum)
Submission: Please save your application as one PDF file named as the following: “LASTNAME_LanguageProgram_2025” and submit it to Pimonwan (Paw) Kamjan at
Notification: Applications will be notified of award decisions by May 2, 2025.
Any questions about eligibility or suitability of proposals may be directed to Director of the Institute of World Languages, Professor Elizabeth (Liz) Hall,