Studying Chinese is fun and challenging! The UVA program in Chinese offers two tracks of courses: one for heritage learners and one for non-heritage learners. The heritage learners with prior experiences in listening and speaking are able to fulfill UVa’s foreign language requirement in two semesters. For non-heritage learners, all four language skills are equally emphasized in the four-semester sequence of courses, running from Elementary Chinese (CHIN1010) through Intermediate Chinese (CHIN2020). Both groups of learners continue taking courses in two separate tracks until fourth-year Chinese. They are then merged in the most advanced level courses, which are equivalent to Fifth Year Chinese, such as Media Chinese (CHIN5810) and Business Chinese (CHIN4030). Through a communicative and student-centered approach, we equip our students with learning strategies so that they will become independent life-long learners, prepare them to function effectively in the real world, and understand Chinese society, culture, and people. We maintain that the experience of learning Chinese should not be limited to the classroom. In order for our students to take full advantage of all the opportunities to interact in Chinese, we collaborate with a Chinese student organization to hold a Chinese Corner once a week, and also encourage our students to apply to live in Shea House.
Two Chinese summer programs are offered, so that students can choose either intensive study of Chinese on Grounds at the Summer Language Institute or abroad at the UVA-in-Shanghai Chinese.
Approximately one out of four people in the world speaks Mandarin Chinese. Fluency in Mandarin Chinese opens doors of opportunity around the globe. As one of the oldest surviving civilizations, China serves as a source of inspiration for many, and with its growing economy and international influence, learning more about China exposes us to a beautiful and great literature, a thriving civilization, and a rich culture.
With over 5000 years of history and civilization, both the Chinese language and culture are now manifested in a diverse mix of hallmarks - culinary delights, calligraphy, historical relics such as the Great Wall, Taipei 101’s showcasing of “go green” technology and modernity, artistic performances like the Beijing Opera, and more. Learning Chinese also gives one a competitive advantage in one’s future career possibilities and expands one’s marketability and employability. Through learning about Chinese culture and tradition, one gains a new perspective on the ingenuity and creativity of the Chinese people, as well as an understanding of the historical forces that have shaped China.
Native Language
就有一個人說中文。掌握中文能力幫你打開全球機會的大門。 中國是世界上最古老的文明古國之一,其急速成長的經濟發展與對國際的影響力,為許多 人提供創造求新的靈感。更多地瞭解中國將使我們認識其美麗的語言、偉大的文學、豐富 的文化和生機勃勃的文明。 隨著中國五千多年歷史文化的發展,其語言文化已經體現在不同的象徵標誌,諸如烹飪藝 術,書法,萬里長城歷史遺產,臺北101 綠化科技與現代化,國劇藝術表演等。學習中文 也提高個人在職場的競爭優勢,拓展個人的職業選擇和就業機會。通過學習中國文化與傳 統,我們會對中國人的創造力產生新的視角, 並且對塑造新中國的歷史推動力有更深的認 識。 弗大中文項目 學習中文非常有趣,同時也具有挑戰性。弗大中文項目提供為華裔子弟與非華裔子弟設計 的兩種修課流程。華裔子弟的課程強調讀寫技能的培養,學完兩個學期即可滿足兩年外語 要求,而非華裔子弟的課程則聽說讀寫四種能力並進,從零起點1010 中文課至2020 的中 級水準課程,一共四個學期。兩種背景的學生依照兩種修課流程繼續完成三年級與四年級 的課程,修至五年級高級中文課程時,諸如媒體中文和商業中文,則開始合併上課。 弗大中文課程採用溝通式及以學生為中心之教學法,
诸如烹饪艺 术,书法,万里长城历史遗产,台北101 绿化科技与现代化,国剧艺术表演等。学习中文 也提高个人在职场的竞争优势,拓展个人的职业选择和就业机会。通过学习中国文化与传 统,我们会对中国人的创造力产生新的视角, 并且对塑造新中国的历史推动力有更深的认 识。 弗大中文项目 学习中文非常有趣,同时也具有挑战性。弗大中文项目提供为华裔子弟与非华裔子弟设计 的两种修课流程。华裔子弟的课程强调读写技能的培养,学完两个学期即可满足两年外语 要求,而非华裔子弟的课程则听说读写四种能力并进,从零起点1010 中文课至2020 的中 级水平课程,一共四个学期。两种背景的学生依照两种修课流程继续完成三年级与四年级 的课程,修至五年级高级中文课程时,诸如媒体中文和商业中文,则开始合并上课。 弗大中文课程采用沟通式及以学生为中心之教学法,帮助学生习得学习策略而成为终生学 习者,培养真实沟通语境所需的交际能力,并进而了解中国社会、文化、与中国人。弗大 项目的师生们不断努力,创造教室以外的学习环境。为了增加学生使用中文的机会, 我们 每个星期与中国学生社团合办中文角,也鼓励学生申请住进”中文语言屋”, 受惠于沉浸 式的中文自然语境。 弗大的暑期中文课程提供两种选择,学生可以在校内的暑期语言学院学习,或者参加弗大 上海暑期项目。弗大中文教师们目前正在筹划中国上海春秋两个学期的中文学习项目, 有 关讯息很快即将公布