Fall 2020 Speaker Series - September 10
Title: Teaching Communicatively Online: How to Engage Language Learners in Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Communication Using Open Educational Resources
Presenter: Victoria Russell
Location: Zoom, Password: iwl
This workshop will show participants how to engage online learners in the three modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational) using tools and applications that are free and easy to use. Other topics that will be presented include how to stimulate teacher, cognitive, and social presence, how to build an online community of practice, and how to measure students’ perceptions of connectedness. Moreover, the presenter will demonstrate research and theory in practice by showing an intermediate-level online language course that was built with open educational resources and that incorporates high impact practices such as a language exchange and a digital storytelling capstone project. There will also be time for sharing, collaboration, and questions.
Victoria Russell, Ph.D., is a Professor of Spanish and Foreign Language Education at Valdosta State University (VSU). She has been a language educator for the past 30 years. Victoria earned a doctorate in Second Language Acquisition & Instructional Technology in 2009 after spending many years teaching at the middle, high school, and community college levels both in the United States and abroad. She began teaching Spanish online in 2007 and she currently serves as the Coordinator of Online Programs for the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at VSU, where she helped create fully online degree and certificate programs in Spanish, French, and TESOL, as well as online MAT programs in Foreign Language Education and English for Speakers of Other Languages. She has published in the areas of online language teaching and learning, world language teacher education, and Spanish pragmatics. She led the effort, with Dr. Kathryn Murphy-Judy and Dr. Julio Rodríguez, to create a national mentoring program for online language educators, she served as Chair of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Distance Learning Special Interest Group from 2015–2018, and she has given numerous national and international workshops and presentations on online language course design, development, and delivery.