IWL Call for Proposals for OERLL
I. Goals
The Institute of World Language (IWL) aims to promote and support Open Educational Resources for Language Learning (OERLL). Our main goals are reducing the cost of course materials, eliminating barriers to equitable access, maximizing student achievement, and learning outcomes, and addressing affordability, accessibility, and inclusion for all learners. Open Educational Resources (OER) are “teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions” (https://en.unesco.org/themes/building-knowledge-societies/oer(link is external)). The OERLL initiative emerges within the field of language learning as an opportunity to strengthen academic freedom, to decolonize the curriculum, and to offer inclusive and open pedagogy.
II. Timeframe
The initiative is currently in phase I, which centers on preparing and exploring OERLL (summer 2021-spring 2022). On May 6, 2022, the IWL will organize a retreat to disseminate information and help faculty develop skills and knowledge needed for material development and linking to OERLL. In Phase II (summer 2022-spring 2023), faculty will create and adapt materials and language-specific curricula with advanced technology. This leads to Phase III (summer 2023-spring 2024) when participating faculty will finalize curricular materials and complete the creation of OERLL that will be accessible to UVA students in summer 2024 and onwards.
III. Eligibility
Full-time faculty in world language and culture with continued appointments are eligible to apply.
IV. Type of Proposal
Faculty are welcome to submit an individual or a group proposal for a fully packaged open course. A group proposal refers to a single course with joint effort by two or more faculty or two sequential courses at the 1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000 level. A fully packaged course has all materials accessible to students at no cost.
V. Funding
Up to $5,000.00 for summer salaries or research funds in accordance with UVA regulations. Research funds can be used for student wages, purchase of materials and technology tools, and travel costs up to $1,000 to gather material to incorporate into OERLL, or to present a paper and/or attend workshops related to OERLL.
VI. Deadline: April 4, 2022
VII. Proposal Format
The proposal is limited to 6 pages (singled spaced; font size 12), not including the cover page and support letter.
A. Cover page
B. Proposal narrative
C. Budget
D. Professional development and commitment
E. Letter of support
Submit a PDF file named “IWL OERLL proposal Last Name First initial.pdf” with an attached support letter in *ONE* email submission. Use the email subject “OER Grant proposal” to send your proposal to the Committee: Paula Sprague (pas6ea@virginia.edu(link sends e-mail)) and Hsin Hsin Liang (hl9s@virginia.edu(link sends e-mail)).
A. Cover Page
1. Full name
2. Email
3. Department & Language
4. Length of Appointment (start to end date)
5. OERLL Course number and title
6. Type of Proposal (individual or group)
B. Proposal Narrative
7. Description of the OERLL project
Please state 1) goals, 2) pedagogical and curricular innovation, and 3) types of materials that will be released and accessible from your OERLL site.
8. Impact
Please explain the impact of your project on language teaching and learning.
9. Implementation Timeline
Please specify what you aim to accomplish at different stages of development according to the IWL OERLL timeframe (section II above): Year 2 in fall 2022-spring 2023 and Year 3 in fall 2023 to spring 2024.
C. Budget
10. Secured Funding
Have you received funding from IWL or other units for the development of the materials that you plan to use as OERLL materials? If yes, please provide the following information. If not, skip this item and work on Item 11.
1) When did you receive the fund?
2) Which unit granted you the fund?
3) Which course was funded?
4) What kind of materials did you complete?
5) What was the total amount of funding that you received?
6) In your OERLL project, do you plan to add new materials to what you have already
created? If yes, please explain further.
11. Pending Funding
Have you submitted a proposal requesting OERLL funding within UVA or beyond. If yes, please answer the following questions.
1) What is the funding unit?
2) When is the grant notification date?
3) What is the expected maximal amount of funding?
4) When is the estimated completion date of the project?
12. Number of Students
Please indicate the number of students that will benefit from your OERLL project in the following statement.
“The proposed course is offered (Frequency and Schedule of Course) and has (# of students) students in each section for a total of (# of sections) sections. I personally teach these sections or am responsible for selecting the course materials assigned in them.”
13. Estimated Student Savings
Please list savings calculation per semester and per year.
14. Budget Request and Justification
Budget request and justification should align with the proposed timeline in item 9.
D. Professional Development & Commitment
15. Participation in Professional Development
1) How many talks and workshops have you attended in preparation for your OERLL project?
2) Do you plan to attend the two talks on OERLL organized by the Spanish language program this spring semester?
3) Do you plan to attend the IWL Retreat on Friday, May 6?
16. Commitment Statement
Please use the following template to complete needed information.
I (or We; add names here) verify that I (or we, add names here) will attend meetings and professional training after receiving the grant and that I (or we) will present my (or our) OERLL project and share findings at the events organized by IWL in Year 2 (fall 2022-spirng 2023) and Year 3 (fall 2023-spring 2024). I am (or We are) fully committed to the proposed OERLL project and will complete the creation of OERLL in accordance with my (or our) proposed timeline and the IWL timeframe.
E. Letter of Support
A letter of support from the language program director/coordinator or department chair should be attached to the completed proposal (PDF) in *ONE* email submission.
Further Questions
Please contact the Faculty Grants Committee Chair Paula Sprague (pas6ea@virginia.edu(link sends e-mail)) with CC to Hsin Hsin Liang (hl9s@virginia.edu(link sends e-mail)) and Miao-Fen Tseng (mt3z@virginia.edu(link sends e-mail)).