Roundtable Series: Teaching languages in a communicative way -- Shu-chen Chen
Shu-chen Chen: Lecturer of Chinese, Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Mark Elson: Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Melissa Henriksen: Associate Director for University Engagement, UVA Applied Research Institute
Bilal Humeidan: Coordinator of Arabic Language Program, Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Madelyn Stuart: Instructor, Russian Summer Language Institute
In this workshop, attendees will discuss essential points of communicative language teaching pedagogy, consider applied approaches, and evaluate implications in the classroom. They will also observe three teaching demonstrations delivered by instructors of Arabic, Chinese, and Russian at the University of Virginia. Following the teaching demos, the group will discuss observations and reflections, and evaluate what works and what needs improvement. Attendees will derive practical insights related to foreign-language pedagogy, and brainstorm ways to implement communicative approaches in their own classes.