Faculty Course Enhancement and Development Grant
Application Deadline: April 4, 2025
The Institute of World Languages invites proposals for the Faculty Course Enhancement and Development Grant.
Purpose of Course Enhancement & Development Grants: Course Enhancement and Development grants are intended to support world language instruction at UVA by encouraging faculty projects involving the creation, development, or evaluation of course methods and materials, including technology, that are pedagogically innovative, aligned with current understandings of second language acquisition processes and supportive of the IWL mission.
Eligibility: All full-time faculty with a continuing contract of any rank, including lecturer and general faculty, who are engaged in the teaching of any world language at UVA, are welcome to apply for the Course Enhancement and Development Grant. Part-time faculty members are not eligible to apply.
Awards: The grant maximum is $3,000 per year, depending on the availability of funds and the number of applicants in a given year.
Funding restrictions:
- A faculty member may receive only one award per academic year.
- Grant funds may be used to cover summer wages but not travel. If taking the grant as summer wages, faculty must be aware that total pay from all sources for the summer period may not exceed 1/3 of the faculty member’s salary during the prior academic year.
- The grant period is for one academic year only and money must be spent by June 15, 2026.
Application Deadline: The deadline to apply for Course Enhancement and Development Grants is Friday, April 4, 2025.
Dissemination: Presentation at an IWL Roundtable or poster session is required of all grant recipients.
Proposal Guidelines
- The proposal should not exceed two pages, excluding the budget, CV, and course confirmation. Please include in your proposal the following: a) a justification and goals of your project and its significance of for the language program and the overall mission of IWL, b) details on what the proposed work would involve, c) specific expectations for phases of the work and a timeline, and d) how the effectiveness of the course or course enhancements will be determined.
- Include a tabular budget with specific line items. For example, indicate costs for data collection, assistance with data analysis, materials, consultation fees, etc. If money is used for wages, the budget must include the Fringe Benefit portion of any employee and student wage (i.e., 0.06% of the wages). For example, if your proposed budget is $998.58, it will be $943 in wages and $56.58 in Fringe Benefits.
- Provide a CV for each applicant on the project (two pages maximum).
- Include confirmation that the course will be taught in the upcoming academic year such as an email or other statement from the program director or department chair.
Submission: Please save your application as one PDF file named as the following: “LASTNAME_CourseDevelopment_2025” and submit it to Pimonwan Kamjan at wdd2vc@virginia.edu.
Notification: Applications will be notified of award decisions by May 2, 2025.
Any questions about eligibility or suitability of proposals may be directed to Director of the Institute of World Languages, Professor Elizabeth (Liz) Hall, ebh3f@virginia.edu