Title: “Promoting Students’ Mental Wellbeing in Language Courses through Contemplative Practices”
Presenter: Zaida Villanueva García, David Florez-Murillo, Esperanza Gorriz Jarque (Spanish)
Location: Zoom, Password: iwl
This session will explore the way contemplative practices can contribute to creating a more welcoming and relaxed climate in the language class by inviting students to actively engage with various activities, assignments, and interactions inside and outside of the classroom. The use of these practices has become more widespread in the Spanish classrooms in our university as a way of creating a community of care with less anxiety and stress. Participants in this panel will be led in some contemplative practices used by instructors from the Spanish program for their classes. Furthermore, presenters will share students’ reactions and learning gains, and also some meaningful practices learned during their participation in the Contemplative Practices in Higher Education 2020 Conference. Q&A with attendees will close the session.